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Attention: Unauthorized Representation and Fraudulent Activities

We have recently been made aware of unauthorized individuals falsely claiming affiliation with Tesla Medbed Shop, engaging in illicit activities and attempting to defraud consumers. Safeguarding the integrity and trust within our community is our utmost priority.

Report Suspicious Activity:

Should you encounter any unauthorized representation or suspicious conduct, we urge you to promptly report it to us. Your cooperation is essential in our efforts to combat fraudulent behavior.

Verification Assistance:

For any inquiries or to verify the legitimacy of entities purporting to be associated with us, please reach out to us directly at We are committed to verifying the authenticity of any party claiming to represent our organization."



1909 Jessie Street, Columbus, OH 43215, United States

Opening hours

Monday - Friday: 9:00 - 18:00

Saturday: 9:00 - 16:00

Sunday: Closed

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